All Classes
Methods for BossBars
Interface for all events with vehicles where you may edit license plate within API
On player chat
On player chat
Module for managing /mtv commands
Module for managing configuration files
Type of configuration file
Methods for config.yml.
Do not initialise this class directly.
Do not initialise this class directly.
Options available in MTV's default configuration file (config.yml)
Module for managing soft-dependencies.
Type of driving up
Interface for all inventory events
Interface for all events with jerrycans
Interface for all events with vehicles
On horn use
On inventory click
On inventory click
On inventory close
On inventory close
Title of a GUI menu
Class for an easy creation of items
Methods for creating items in plugin's menus
On right click with a jerry can - its refuelling (the gas stations feature)
On right click with a jerry can - its refuelling (the gas stations feature)
On /vehicle fuel open
On player join (a packet handler is assigned + update and language message if OP / with permission)
Languages which are offered by the plugin
Warns that such an object/method/class is related to plugin languages.
Methods for changing plugin's language
Module which registers all listeners used by the plugin
Module looping all players after a plugin reload.
The plugin's main class
Methods used in plugin's GUIs
Configurable messages in MTV
Methods for message files.
Do not initialise this class directly.
Do not initialise this class directly.
bStats collects some data for plugin authors.
Represents a custom advanced bar chart.
Represents a custom advanced pie.
Represents a custom chart.
Represents a custom drilldown pie.
Represents a custom multi line chart.
Represents a custom simple bar chart.
Represents a custom simple pie.
Represents a custom single line chart.
Module configuring bStats metrics system
Movement selector depending on what version the server uses.
Abstract class for the plugin's commands
Abstract class for plugin's configuration files
Abstract class for the plugin's API events
Abstract class for the plugin's listeners
Abstract class for the plugin's /mtv subcommands
Packet handling system in different minecraft versions.
Methods for PlaceholderAPI soft-dependency.
The class responsible for plugin's auto-updater
The plugin's version
Action performed with a vehicle
Type of WorldGuard list - a region action may either be whitelisted or blacklisted.
On /vehicle restore open
Methods for supersecretsettings.yml.
Do not initialise this class directly.
Do not initialise this class directly.
Enum of supported server versions (used for different NMS and Spigot API changes)
Methods for Skript soft-dependency.
Supported soft-dependencies
On tank shoot
Methods for editing text (and for some reason also deprecated methods for creating vehicles - moved to
and VehicleClickListener
)Warns that such an object/method is not finished yet and/or further usage is planned.
Methods for Vault soft-dependency.
Vehicle with its specifications
Seat in a vehicle
/vehicle addmember %player% - add a player who may sit in the vehicle the player is sitting in (if they are its owner) OR player's held vehicle.
On vehicle add rider (/vehicle addmember command).
/vehicle addrider %player% - add a player who may steer the vehicle the player is sitting in (if they are its owner) OR player's held vehicle.
On vehicle add rider (/vehicle addrider command).
/vehicle buycar %uuid% - buy a vehicle.
/vehicle buyvoucher %uuid% - buy a vehicle voucher.
On vehicle right click - entering and picking up
On vehicle damage
Maps containing vehicles' data
Methods for supersecretsettings.yml.
Do not initialise this class directly.
Do not initialise this class directly.
Options available in vehicle data file
/vehicle delete - Delete held vehicle from the database (vehicleData.yml).
/vehicle edit - edit held vehicle's specifications (in a GUI).
On vehicle enter
On vehicle left click - damaging, opening a trunk, fueling
/vehicle fuel - open a GUI with different jerrycans.
On vehicle refuel
/vehicle givecar %player% %uuid% - add a vehicle to a player.
/vehicle givevoucher %player% %uuid% - add a vehicle voucher to a player.
/vehicle help - list of all MTV commands.
/vehicle info - get information about the held vehicle
/vehicle language - set the plugin's language (in a GUI).
On vehicle leave
On leave of a vehicle
/vehicle menu - open a GUI menu of all the vehicles.
On /vehicle menu open
Class concerning the movement of vehicles
Class concerning the movement of vehicles in 1_12_R2 (because the NMS differ a lot)
On vehicle trunk open (either via left click or using /vehicle trunk) command
On vehicle pick up
On vehicle place
On place of a vehicle
/vehicle private - set the vehicle as private (only the owner can enter it).
/vehicle public - set the vehicle as public (anyone can enter it).
/vehicle refill - refill the held vehicle.
On region enter
On region enter
/vehicle reload - reload the plugin's configuration files.
/vehicle removemember %player% - remove a player who may sit in the vehicle the player is sitting in (if they are its owner) OR player's held vehicle.
On vehicle remove member (/vehicle removemember command).
/vehicle removerider %player% - remove a player who may steer the vehicle the player is sitting in (if they are its owner) OR player's held vehicle.
On vehicle remove rider (/vehicle removerider command).
/vehicle repair - repair the held vehicle.
/vehicle restore (%player%) - open a GUI menu of all vehicles in database (vehicleData.yml), their owner may be specified.
Methods for vehicles.yml.
Do not initialise this class directly.
Do not initialise this class directly.
/vehicle setowner %player% - set held vehicle's owner.
Command executor for /mtv command (managing subcommands)
Tab completer for /mtv command
/vehicle trunk - open the trunk of the vehicle the player is sitting in (if they are its owner) OR player's held vehicle.
Type of vehicle
/vehicle update - update the plugin if a newer version is available.
Useful methods for vehicles
/vehicle version - get information about the plugin and server version.
On right click with a voucher
On right click with a voucher
Module containing information about the plugin and server version
Warns that such an object/method uses a
getter.Custom WorldGuard flags used for more features (if WorldGuard is hooked)
Methods for WorldGuard soft-dependency.