Uses of Annotation Interface
Custom enums used in the plugin
Modules initialised on enable of the plugin
Useful methods and classes used by the plugin
Classes concerning the movement of vehicles
Uses of VersionSpecific in nl.mtvehicles.core.infrastructure.enums
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Enum of supported server versions (used for different NMS and Spigot API changes) -
Uses of VersionSpecific in nl.mtvehicles.core.infrastructure.modules
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ServerVersion
Get the server version as enumboolean
Check whether the server version is supported by the plugin. -
Uses of VersionSpecific in nl.mtvehicles.core.infrastructure.utils
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic org.bukkit.Material
Get the stained glass pane materialItemFactory.setDurability(int durability)
Uses of VersionSpecific in nl.mtvehicles.core.movement
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Packet handling system in different minecraft versions.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected static String
Get the String name of the method for teleporting an ArmorStand.static boolean
PacketHandler.isObjectPacket(Object object)
Check whether a given object is a valid steering packet (PacketPlayInSteerVehicle).static void
MovementManager.MovementSelector(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
Select a packet handler for a playerprotected void
VehicleMovement.spawnParticles(org.bukkit.entity.ArmorStand stand, org.bukkit.Location loc)
Spawn tank's shooting particlesprotected void
VehicleMovement.teleportSeat(org.bukkit.entity.ArmorStand seat, org.bukkit.Location loc)
Teleport a seat to a specified location