Uses of Class
Packages that use MTVSubCommand
/mtv subcommands
Modules initialised on enable of the plugin
Classes for handling vehicles
Uses of MTVSubCommand in nl.mtvehicles.core.commands.vehiclesubs
Subclasses of MTVSubCommand in nl.mtvehicles.core.commands.vehiclesubsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
/vehicle addmember %player% - add a player who may sit in the vehicle the player is sitting in (if they are its owner) OR player's held vehicle.class
/vehicle addrider %player% - add a player who may steer the vehicle the player is sitting in (if they are its owner) OR player's held vehicle.class
/vehicle buycar %uuid% - buy a vehicle.class
/vehicle buyvoucher %uuid% - buy a vehicle voucher.class
/vehicle delete - Delete held vehicle from the database (vehicleData.yml).class
/vehicle edit - edit held vehicle's specifications (in a GUI).class
/vehicle fuel - open a GUI with different jerrycans.class
/vehicle givecar %player% %uuid% - add a vehicle to a player.class
/vehicle givevoucher %player% %uuid% - add a vehicle voucher to a player.class
/vehicle help - list of all MTV commands.class
/vehicle info - get information about the held vehicleclass
/vehicle language - set the plugin's language (in a GUI).class
/vehicle menu - open a GUI menu of all the vehicles.class
/vehicle private - set the vehicle as private (only the owner can enter it).class
/vehicle public - set the vehicle as public (anyone can enter it).class
/vehicle refill - refill the held vehicle.class
/vehicle reload - reload the plugin's configuration files.class
/vehicle removemember %player% - remove a player who may sit in the vehicle the player is sitting in (if they are its owner) OR player's held vehicle.class
/vehicle removerider %player% - remove a player who may steer the vehicle the player is sitting in (if they are its owner) OR player's held vehicle.class
/vehicle repair - repair the held vehicle.class
/vehicle restore (%player%) - open a GUI menu of all vehicles in database (vehicleData.yml), their owner may be specified.class
/vehicle setowner %player% - set held vehicle's owner.class
/vehicle trunk - open the trunk of the vehicle the player is sitting in (if they are its owner) OR player's held vehicle.class
/vehicle update - update the plugin if a newer version is available.class
/vehicle version - get information about the plugin and server version. -
Uses of MTVSubCommand in nl.mtvehicles.core.infrastructure.modules
Fields in nl.mtvehicles.core.infrastructure.modules with type parameters of type MTVSubCommandModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic HashMap<String,MTVSubCommand>
HashMap mapping all /mtv subcommands and their respective classes -
Uses of MTVSubCommand in nl.mtvehicles.core.infrastructure.vehicle
Fields in nl.mtvehicles.core.infrastructure.vehicle with type parameters of type MTVSubCommandModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic HashMap<String,MTVSubCommand>
Deprecated.There is no use for this HashMap.